Your complete satisfaction is always guaranteed! If you are not completely satisfied in every way you may return your order for a full refund. ($750.00 maximum value)*.
*If your order value exceeds $750.00 we can send you a “first article” before we manufacture your complete order. The “first article” is an actual production sample of the tag you are ordering. A “first article” inspection assures your satisfaction with every aspect of your tags.
Exceptional Quality
Alliance Tag produces a broad range of asset tags and barcode labels using the latest equipment and the highest manufacturing standards, ensuring that you will receive a long-lasting product with superior performance.
Your asset tags will arrive securely bound in books for convenient storage and ease of use.
Request a package of free samples today, or order your tags today!
We are ready to assist you. Contact us by phone or email or send a request form.
We will provide pricing promptly, or answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing
from you.  (858) 549-7297